TL/DR: been blocked for over a year but really went to see them again before I leave the city. Scared of rejection/ being ignored. Only person I’ve enjoyed hooking up with.

I (F/22) met this guy M(25) over a year ago and it went bad quite quickly. My mental health was all over the place and I went a bit crazy and he was generally just toxic. We didn’t go well together. I was second year of uni and just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years and he obviously was a bit older and had finished uni so we were in different parts of our lives. I didn’t want anything and I was seeing a few people and it seemed like he wanted some level of control but didn’t want to commit either. As I said, it didn’t work out and I went a bit crazy (mostly bad drunk calls and texts) and ended up being blocked. It’s been over a year and I’m still blocked but I’ve changed quite a bit since and recently seen him on tinder again. I’m leaving the city soon as I finish uni but I really want to hook up with him again. He’s the only person I’ve ever enjoyed sex with- even though I was with my ex for ages and I really want to hook up with him one last time. Obviously I’m scared of rejection/being Ignored and we haven’t matched in on tinder so he hasn’t seen or swiped left.

I’m in between two minds like f it who cares if he doesn’t reply, I’m leaving anyway and rejection is part of life. Or that it will be very embarrassing to message him and I will regret it. Wondering what I should do?

  1. Terrible idea. Now’s the time to practice some self control, for your self esteem.

  2. If you’re still blocked that means he does not want to talk to you. Given the whole crazy background thing, if you do try to connect with him, he will assume you’re stalking him (and you kinda are?)

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