Idk if this question fits in this sub so you are welome to redirect me to one where this question is more relevant but here goes:

I’m currently in my 3rd year of college and I have recently been reconnecting with people from high school because I miss the people I met back in school (I switched schools 3 times in middle school and high school so I got to meet tons of new people almost every year). I’ve been doing so by following them on instagram.

The majority accepted my follow request and followed me back within 24 hours, both men and women alike, which is cool. I’ve also DM’ed a few of them who I was close friends with. However there are 2 girls that I requested to follow that didn’t accept nor deny my follow request, so I’m just here to ask if thats normal or not, since I don’t use Instagram a whole lot (my account is private and all of my followers are people I know irl) so idk how often people are on it nowadays. The only accounts I follow other than my school friends and other friends and acquaintances, are a few sports pages and art pages so I basically just scoll on Insta when I’m bored at night and I don’t use it to post stories or posts or anything.

For more context, one of the girls I’m pretty sure had a crush on me and did some lowkey flirting in high school but I kinda brushed it aside. I’m basically saying I’m no stranger to her by any means. She even walked up to me once and asked me for my Insta but I didn’t have one back then lol.

2nd girl is a school friend, but she was always friendly and was comfortable hugging me and being physical and complimenting me so its not like I’m a stranger to her either.

Its been about 1-2 days since I requested to follow both of them, so I was wondering if this is normal, and if there are people who ignore/don’t bother with follow requests or something? Both their accounts are private and both are sitting at around 200 followers if that is relevant. This goes without saying too: they’re also the same age as me so I assume they’re also in college, and I assume they are currently on summer holiday like me. And they are followed by a few others from the same high school who I follow too, so its not like they don’t accept people from high school.

  1. I wouldn’t worry. I wait to accept sometimes, even with people I really like/are good friends with, just because instagram isn’t a priority and I don’t really feel the need to drop what I’m doing and accept someone’s request.

  2. Why does instagram matter? Don’t folk use facebook to connect anymore, i thought insta was for photo albums. I’m 29 and already out of the loop lmao.

  3. Some people don’t use instagram daily. Some people might not be interested in reconnecting with previous friendships. There could be countless reasons, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

  4. Of cource it is normal, i use instgram once a week maximum or one in 10 days…

  5. I wouldn’t read too much into it. As other people have pointed out, not everyone uses Instagram regularly, so sometimes people won’t accept a follow request straight away.

    The other thing to consider here is that sometimes people prefer only people they currently know follow them. They might not be entirely comfortable with accepting a request from someone they knew in high school if they haven’t spoken to them much since.

    The thing with this is that sometimes people who are like this will still allow for people who started following them years ago to continue following them. Sometimes they just won’t have the time to clean out their Instagram followers or might not know how. This might be why they’ll let other people who knew them in high school follow them, but still be hesitant to accept your request now.

    Still, I think it’s probably more likely to be the former than the later. Either way though, it’s not a personal thing and it doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.

  6. My immediate thoughts are that reading any meaning into response times on social media or texting is not a good idea. Different methods of communication hold varied importance to different people.

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