I need some advice. I (31M) met a (25F) on Tinder 10 months ago. We had 10 one-night “encounters” since then. Three weeks ago, she messaged me asking for assistance to move out of her apartment. I moved her things out of her apartment, loaded the U-Haul and dropped her things off 300 miles across the state to a storage unit.

She received bad news that her application for her new apartment was denied due to a bad credit score.

She asked if she could stay for a couple of days at my one bedroom apartment. I said yeah, for a few days. Then, after two days, she asked for two weeks. I told her no and she begged and cried for me to house her. Her parents didn’t want to house her and her friends don’t have space.

Now, it’s been 9 days and I’m tired of her just laying around all day, not doing anything to help her situation. She’s not my girlfriend, and don’t consider her a friend. She knows I don’t have any emotional connection to her. I just don’t have it in me to make someone homeless. Her new job in her new city begins in 7 days. She’s supposed to leave in 4 days, but I want her to leave right now.

I miss having my own space and having her around is an all-around burden. How do I respectfully kick her out?

TL;DR I need help kicking out a woman, from Tinder, from my house.


Me: Presses record on phone “Hey, xxxx”

Her: “Yeah?”

Me: I’ve been thinking. I need my space. I’ve helped you as much as I can and your stay is burdening me. I’m kindly asking that you leave within the next 60 minutes.”

Her: “But you said I could stay until Friday. I’m not even doing anything to you. You know I have no where to go. I was just looking at homeless shelters.”

Me: “Well that’s unfortunate. I’ve given you 9 days, moved your stuff out of your old apartment to your storage unit across the state, housed you for a week and half, but I have the right to reclaim my space and change my mind. You have 58 minutes to get out. Thank you.”

Her: cries, ohh, ok. Just don’t forget those $30 that you owe me. Thanks.”

Me: How ironic, after all I’ve done to help you, the first thing that you do is charge me $30 that I owe you and not a ‘thanks’

Her: silently packs her shit for 13 minutes and slams door on the way out.

Me: Opens door “Good luck with everything.” Closes door.

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