29M, I have not been to a general doctor/check up since my high school physical and decided to get some bloodwork done to check a few things. Everything came back fine, only red flag was high triglyceride levels (198 mg/dL) but I do tend to drink a lot on the weekends.

I am 5'10", 165-170 lbs., ~15% body fat and do moderate weight lifting workouts 3-4 times per week. If I completely eliminate workouts, I would drop down to 150-155 lbs. in about 4 weeks. Over the past 3-4 years I have noticed my daily energy levels have been steadily declining as well and has been affecting my work as well as workouts.

I only provide the above context because I am wondering if my testosterone is considered "low" for my age at 417 ng/dL. From the info they provided it says the range should be 264-916 ng/dL. Should I ask my doctor his thoughts on me receiving treatment to get it to more of a mid range of ~590 ng/dL?

I guess my main questions are:

  • Would the jump from 417 to 590 even be noticeable from an energy, strength, cognitive, etc. perspective?

  • This seems like a small adjustment, would this just be a semi/annual injection or another type of treatment?

Any feedback is appreciated, just trying to keep my body in as good as shape as I can and hopefully maintain it for the next few decades.

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