What are your deal breakers when it comes to dating someone?

  1. I had (I guess still technically have) a lot.

    Can’t smoke or vape anything regularly. I’d they smoke anything it has to be super super infrequent and it cannot be cigarettes. My family has a long history of lung related issues so I’m trying to break that mold.

    No name calling. No raising of voices when there’s disagreements or misunderstandings.

    Can’t be a picky eater because that’s my job and I need someone to continue to help pull me out of this pickiness. I went on a date with a dude when I was single who was pickier than me and it just felt wrong.

    Can’t hate pets/ has to treat mine well. I have a cat and a dog.

    They need to want human kids in addition to my fur babies.

    Can’t be a bad kisser

  2. Video game addiction; I’m not against them. But there’s no way video games come first before everything and everyone else

  3. I’m happily married now, but if I had to answer this question my deal breakers would be: a promiscuous past, wants to be child free, drastically different lifestyle, dishonesty and cheating, drugs/smoking

  4. Not respectful and honest.

    Not affectionate.

    Smokes and or vapes.

    Short temper.

    Not a kid person or isn’t willing to have some.

  5. honestly?? i’m surprised at how ppl who go on dates with me will just find creative ways to tell me i’m ugly. i nearly hooked up with a guy who looked me up and down and was like “i can work with this.” i went on a date with a woman (i am bisexual) who straight up told me she doesn’t date attractive women. i briefly dated a guy and one of the first things he asked me was about the dark circles under my eyes and basically made me feel embarrassed to have them despite them being genetic. ironically the only person i’ve had a more-than-friends type relationship who hasn’t found a way to insult my appearance with is my current fwb. if anything he’s always calling me hot, sexy, “you look so good” stuff like that.

    but to answer the question, anyone who finds ways to insult my appearance or make me insecure of factors out of my control is a no no. fuck that. i want someone who calls me beautiful.

  6. Lack of communication, disrespect, lack of forgiveness, lying, blatant disregard of my feelings based off my gender (example-men arnt supposed to cry etc.), dislikes animals, doesn’t like pesto pasta (not necessarily a deal breaker but definitely a bummer)

  7. Can I say body odor? It’s a big no no for me. It’s not that musky smell of man sweat.. Some people just smell really bad and I’m talking about that.

  8. Same things I run from when I meet anyone: racism, homophobia, misogyny, anger management issues, general stupidity.

  9. Putting me down for any reason (yes, including “as a joke”). Thank you, next 👍

  10. no job, no car, any sort of addiction, “i’m going through a divorce but still married”, shit talking an ex, a dating profile that just doesn’t add up in real life, quick to anger

  11. If his hands haven’t seen some work. If they’re prettier than mine, I know instantly he’s not one of my kind.

  12. I won‘t tolerate disrespect or unkindness to others. I went out with a guy a couple of times and he body-shamed another woman in public; I let him have it in front of of everyone, and I’ve never been sorry about it.

  13. Abuse, too different values (like if he isn’t a feminist or isn’t vegan, is a right winger etc), dishonestly, controlling.
    Isn’t a nerd (I need someone with shared nerdy interests). Doesn’t like animals and supports animal abuse.

  14. Picky eaters. If you’re generally close-minded. Making general assumptions about people.

  15. Having “Best Friends” who are the opposite sex. Immediate deal breaker.

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