So we were in a relationship for 2.5 years. Since 2020 we started talking and this girl, his ex love interest who he used to say I love you and all. Her name used to come now and them alot during our talking stage i.e 2020-22. In 2022 we got into a relationship and I get to know that he still maintains a snapchat streak with her. I had no issue with that because I thought its okay. In june 2023 I get to know that he talked to her and kind of flirted with her behind my back (once because I saw there chat for one time). According to him it was all normal and she his friend and the one who was there when he was super low in his life. So he would never leave her or take her out of his life because of me.

He unfollowed her after some time because of me.

Cut to july 2024 we broke up because of multiple reasons, one being this that he never stopped talking to him because I didn’t like it. Yesterday I got to know that the moment we broke up. That girl who is already in a long term relationship (and she was always in her limit while texting) she texts him randomly on WhatsApp. And I get to know that he is apparently talking to her again and he just said that I stopped him from doing that. So now that I am gone why should he not talk.

I really dont care what he does after the relationship. But does this count as cheating? That while we were in relationship, he used to maintain streaks with her? Chat with her a few times? Flirt with her? And now that I am gone he just immediately started talking to her and express his feelings about me to her.

He took 2 years to tell me about her, that they were really close at some point of time. He took so long to tell me about her but he tells her everything about me, the moment they talk

TL;DR: my ex boyfriend started talking to her ex love interest after our breakup.

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