Okay I feel like this is going to need a bit of a backstory. I and my girlfriend of a few years enjoy going to amusement parks around North America. We usually go a number of times a year, and the parks range from 2-8 hours in distance usually. Sometimes we go alone, and sometimes we bring other people.

In this case we were bringing a mutual friend (Previously her friend but I must admit we have become closer, as they have their group of friends who I’ve now hung around). The plan was for me to drive, and originally he was going to get his own ticket. Through our passes, we are able to give out two passes for friends and year (I think it’s important to note that I purchased that pass for my girlfriend and I to use). She offered him the free pass instead of having him buy his own ticket, and he obviously accepted. Throughout the day I figured he may contribute in some way (we packed a cooler with sandwiches for lunch, drinks, snacks etc) we went out for dinner to a place close by and we each paid for our meals.

Once we got back he did say thank you, before grabbing his stuff and taking off. But my question is, “Should he have offered to pay for anything?” . Because he didn’t offer to pay for anything the whole time, or offer any “thank you” such as a drink or snack. Not that I would have necessarily taken it, for me it’s more the principle that if someone went out of their way to give me basically a free “200$+ fun day” I’d try and find some way to say thank you?

Now rip me apart internet.

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