My best friend/roommate’s mom just had a stroke. She’s super close with her mom and it’s heartbreaking. I guess her mom can’t speak or anything right now and they don’t know how bad the stroke was.

She’s been at the hospital all day. Idk what to do. I told her we can get ice cream and hang today if she wants.

Idk how to act when something bad happens to a friend, I get scared of doing something wrong. I asked how her mom was doing this morning.. should I just ignore it????? Should I ask if she still wants ice cream or should I just leave her alone for today???

I just wanna know what to do or say

  1. Don’t ask her to go anywhere right now, she’s going to want to be beside her mom, offer simply “I’m here for you, if you need to talk, if you need anything brought to you at the hospital, lunch etc.” Make it so she knows you’re there to support and comfort, it’s a really hard, scary time she’s going through so she’ll be struggling to think straight.

  2. Just be their for your friend. Just say I’m so sorry about your mother. If you feel comfortable hug them, they proceed it. If she talks about the situation Just listen.

    Just don’t abandon her. Nothing to worry over. When you see her it will come naturally.

    Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  3. You say, “Sorry about your mom, how’s she doing?” Keep it simple, but say something.

  4. As someone who went through a parent having a bad stroke, just be there. I didn’t need anything from anyone, I just needed someone to cry to. There’s literally no words that will help at this time, just hug your friend and be there.

    Thinking of your friend ❤️❤️

  5. If my mom just had a stroke and somebody invited me to get ice cream i would probably block their number.

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