I 28F have been with my 27M for 9 months now.
We started long distance and last month I moved to his city for uni. We don’t live together and we both have no intention of moving in together for another couple of years.
Whilst I’m finding a place to live, I’ve moved in with his mum. His parents are divorced and I have now found out that “everyone’s having a go at him about the fact I’ve moved to his city”. I take it that’s his dad having a go at him but I don’t know if it’s because I’ve moved to his city so much or because I’ve moved in with his mum.
His friends and family influence him so much and I feel he never makes his own decisions.
I’m wondering whether to just end the relationship now or whether to push through? I will add he was extremely happy that I moved.

TLDR- moved to his city, his friends and family aren’t happy about it. Should I end it?

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