For context I’m 21F, and I really struggle with dating. Dating apps absolutely don’t work for me because I HAVE to get to know someone (like friends?) first, with no pressure, before feelings grow and THEN I’m physically attracted to them and want to date.
I don’t have a physical type, I have had a small amount of short (under 1 year) relationships from dating apps and most were toxic. I haven’t been in a relationship since I was 19 and I really am ready to give someone some love. I’m not desperately looking, since forced relationships often don’t work, I don’t even know how to look. I’ve started university, but in my generation no one speaks to new people they just go on their phones, aside from in class for group work.

My ideal situation is a friend turned into a partner, but I’m stuck in a rut and don’t know how to meet people that have none of the undertone pressures of dating, like singles groups and meetups do. Im also too anxious to go on a date with a stranger it’s just foreign for me. Any advice or anyone the same way as me?

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