My ( 23F) partner (M29) have been together for over 2 years and early today we were at Walmart and he took my phone to look up something we needed inside and I went into his photos on his phone to pass the time like the true adhd goblin I am to look at our cats and stuff but I found 2 freshly saved pics of a headless girl but full tits out. We’ve never had rules with phones so we both have free access to the each others. I’ve never seen anything like this or even close to it on there. I feel so grossed out, I’ve had a convo with him in the past.. I don’t mind watching porn to bust one quick, shit I do that but I’ve never sought out specific people,phrases,features and saved photos to my phone. Idk if it’s a real person he’s gotten them from, I don’t know if he just found em on reddit or sum shit but I kinda brushed it off in the moment. We were going in to get groceries and I didn’t wanna make the trip inside hella awkward. He looked really embarrassed when I called him out but he didn’t explain it to me at all just kinda hoped I’d drop it and well I did.
Idek what to do, haven’t talked to him since. We live together and have 7 cats together. I feel like I’m overreacting but I can’t help but feel betrayed. I know I need to talk to him about it but I feel he’s gonna shut down.

TL;DR: found pics on my bfs phone of another girls full chest out. He acted embarrassed and didn’t explain where he got it and I brushed it off. I’m heartbroken and I don’t know How to confront him?

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