Just to start off, I'm what alot of people would call a "quiet kid", not in the "edgy as fuck and is planning a school shooting" type of way, more like a "doesn't speak unless it's absolutely necessary" way. I only really have one friend, everybody else just seems to dislike me. I've tried to change myself and try to be less introverted, but I just get weird looks whenever I try. I've been harassed, they've spread some fucking disgusting rumours about me, the bullying has gone so far to the point that I'm getting physically assaulted on a regular basis, not enough to cause serious injuries, but it most definitely leaves me injured in some sort of way. I've tried to voice my complaints to teachers and people I trust, but they always try and dance around the situation like "we do not have enough evidence to prove something like this is happening", like, are you fucking kidding me? You have cameras, you have monitors that watched me from a distance, what do you MEAN there's no evidence to prove it's happening?? I just feel so alone, i know I have a friend, one that I am ever so grateful to have met, but on most days she's either busy or just not in school (as of right now, she's on a holiday to Cyprus, while I still have to continue going to school until the 2nd of August). My home life isn't really much better either, I've had to rely on online friends for company, however recently I had to cut them off to focus on things like earning money for therapy, chores, etc. I hate going to school, I really do, but I know it's important, and moving to another isn't an option, I just don't really know what I should do anymore. I fear I'm going to die alone, and at this rate, I will.

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