Just curious what everyone else's bill paying arrangements are, as I'm starting to think I'm in the minority here.

My wife and I have been married for 9 years, and we both work full time. We do not have any joint bank accounts. We both feel that joint accounts are an old-fashioned concept. Yes, we are married, but we are both autonomous adults that should have control and oversight over our individual earnings. The only condition we have, is that any high dollar purchases by either me or her should be discussed with each other first.

When it comes to the monthly bills, I usually have oversight of everything. By her own admission, she is not great at keeping track of bill due dates, so I take care of the actual payments. We do a 60/40 split, which is in line with our salary differences. Once a month, I tally up the monthly bill total, calculate her 40% amount, and she transfers me this amount from her account.

It seems to work well for us. The bills get paid every month, and we still have our own financial autonomy individually. But sometimes when I bring up the topic, people act like we are weird for not having a joint account.

How do you all handle the monthly bills?

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