My (F31) boyfriend (M35) won't do what I like during sex?

Me (F31) and my boyfriend (M35) have sex regularly and he always demands that we do doggy style. I've asked him to do other positions and he won't, and if I get him to do any other position, he will literally do it for less than a minute then demand doggy style. I've had countless conversations with him about it. I've told him that I need to be able to see him, hold him, look in his eyes, and kiss him during sex. At least some of the time. I've told him doggy style hurts me (I have endometriosis) and he just just refuses to do any other position. He's said that, "making love isn't manly," "the positions I'm asking for are for a wife," even though we live together and basically act like husband and wife already. Last night, we were having sex and he told me to get on my knees and I pulled him down on top of me in a missionary style position and he gave me literally about 20 seconds in that position and then stopped and told me to get on my knees again. I mentioned my needs to him in that moment and he ignored me, didn't respond or anything, and put me in doggy. I just went limb and wanted to cry. After we finished, I mentioned it again and he said that I'm "just complaining." Now this morning it really bothering me, but I'm scared to bring it up because I don't want to fight or argue with him. I just feel so defeated and hopeless. How can he say he loves me yet refuses to make love to me and just fucks me? That's all he does, he's never made love to me, he just fucks me, and I'm sick of it. I'm crying as I write this because I just want the man I love to have sex with me like he's actually in love with me.

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People. Just coz she’s waiting for marriage and/or is a virgin, it’s not that bad. Be strong. Patience…