so! this is gonna be super long but please take the time to read it i would love some help. i’ve already posted on here about this a couple months ago but i was thinking about it again recently. to recap: boyfriend used to talk (not anymore) to his ex about the dog they have together and he said it was strictly that. but she went nuts on him one day after he asked to see the dog so he blocked her, and sent me a screen recording of him blocking her as well as the messages she sent him. i did however noticed that there were gaps in texts (on imessage when you text someone after a bit there’s a space between your message you just sent and the one before, not not a whole new time stamp) which made me believe he deleted texts. i also saw that in the bottom of her contact profile for imessage that there was a group pic of her and her friends that was sent recently as well as a pic of my boyfriends friends baby. i never knew either of those pictures were sent and was strange because he always would tell me when they spoke and i never heard about either of those two instances. freaked me out because i knew he was hiding something.

anyways i did some digging a few days on his laptop while he was in the bathroom because i knew i was missing something and low and behold i found a whole conversation that was deleted the same day she got mad at him! i had to skim it quick because i knew he would be back and all i saw was something about a spicy tape, and a video was sent. i didn’t get the chance to read the rest of the convo for context and i couldn’t make out what the video was as i didn’t have enough time.

i confronted him about this the next day and he said that he didn’t know why he deleted that before he showed me initially and it was just about the ex’s friend making a video. then i asked why he sent a video in the middle of that conversation and he said it was of their dog. i didn’t wanna argue anymore because it was stressing me out but him sending a video of their dog while they’re talking about a tape makes NO sense at all to me. i know i still don’t have the whole story here but it’s been 2 months since this all happened.

what can i do here… lol

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