I need advice because I don't know why this could happen. There's this person I really like. We're not like, dating dating, it's more of a what-are-we-ship. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life, we flirted a lot, we kissed, cuddled for a prolonged time, they wanted me to touch them and even when we had to go to each other's homes we kept chatting until I went to sleep, still with tons of flirting, some pretty explicit.

But when I met with them today, it was like none of that happened and we were just regular friends. They didn't flirt with me, and ignored it when I flirted with them. For the record, they were still friendly and kind to me, they wanted to keep spending time with me. We still held hands and walked together, but it just seemed so different from yesterday. They didn't kiss me or touch me or anything more romantic. I have no idea what could have caused it, because yesterday ended on a practically perfect note.

Ngl, it made me sad because I really like them and I want this to be a thing so badly, after yesterday I thought they felt the same but now after today I'm not sure.

What should I do? Do I let go of the romance and flirting? What could have caused this?

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