As the title says, is there any case when lies are ok? What do you do if your partner lies to you, how do you gain trust again, is it even possible?

My(30M) girlfriend(30F) lied to me 2 times.

First time was when it was something with her ex. She lied to me that he keeps on contacting her and that she blew him off every time, she said something like in the last 2 months he texted her 100 of times and every time she said no. The irony is she mentioned to me a couple of times the term trust, like I do not trust her etc. For me, I didnt even know he is contacting her and when I told her that it is funny she talk about trust and just now I hear about it. One hour later she came to me and said she lied, he contactrd her only once, and her reasoning was to prove me that she is ready to tell him no 100 of times. So she lied to make herself look better.

Secons time was after our "break" of 2 month. We were getting back together, 2 weeks went by and one night we are having a casual conversation. She asks me if someone approached me or if someone was interested in me, I said no since nothing happened in those 2 months, I focused on myself and was focused on my business. I asked her that same question, how about you, did something happen in those 2 months and she said no in a weird way. I know her long enough to know something is fishy. I asked her again 2 more.times, both of them were no and then after couple of minutes she said ok something happened. Tht something was some guy in a gym approached her and thats it.
What bugs me is that she lied first 3 times I asked and she was ready to lie and screw up the trust because of this stupid thing.
After that I am not even sure what is true anymore because it fucks with you brain. After both those lies I cannot trust her.

How do you deal with those situations and what would you do?

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