For context, me and my girlfriend are long distance. Recently we talked and she has been feeling slighted because I don't call her enough and when I do it's late at night. I acknowledged this and have been attempting to do better. The problem is I already call her a ton. We talk almost every day and if not, every other day. I call more often than her which I don't mind. I call in the middle of the day sometimes, but due to my busy schedule a lot of the time I call after class and work which is pretty late, 11pm. This is time I am free of my college roomate or responsibilities and i can actually speak freely. I could call more during the couple hours I have between class and work but often I'm doing homework or finally taking some time to myself.

Recently I've been sick. Like super sick. I didn't know this when this happened, but later I went to the doctor and it's strep. I've felt dizzy, like throwing up, no energy, awful cough and I can barely speak. Because of this I couldn't call her for 2 days. I rejected her call and explained and she understood. However, later yesterday I began to feel better. My throat felt slightly better and my voice had come back. Towards the end of the day my girlfriend said she'd send a picture of her face if I called. In the past she hasn't really been great about sending me pictures when I miss her and I've voiced my desire to see her face since I miss her. Yesterday I did the same and this is when she offered the photo if I called. She's had the same "deal" in the past.

I decided to call her. I had been feeling better, and I had a reason to go on a walk anyway and leave my dorm to get something from my car, which would be nice to get some privacy, especially since I haven't had any because I've been dizzy and not able to walk too far without feeling awful. I figured it'd cheer me up too to hear her voice and see a picture of her for the first time in probably a week.

She let it ring out. Then she declined me. I texted and asked why. And she said "You only called because you wanted a picture." And she was pissed. I tried explaining everything above to her and she wasn't having it. She sent an angry Goodnight and has barely talked to me since.

What did i do? She's really stressing me out between everything. She knows it's finals too and I've been struggling to take them and I have to reschedule one, and I just feel awful in general and I have to move out soon and drive home 5hours. I explained how bad she was making me feel and how we could just discuss this later and that I was sorry and just need support right now. It's honestly killing me.

I'm considering breaking up if she doesn't come around. She's always been terrible at communicating and quick to give up and say "there's no point you won't understand you won't change it won't work etc" whenever we have a disagreement. It's been weighing on me so much in our relationship having to tiptoe around her and not know when I piss her off and why. And if she's not here to put our differences aside and support me in a rough time when I need support, what happens when I really get into a bad situation and she's upset? Will she even be there for me? Please help.

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