My dad started dating this girl who is the mom of a childhood friend of mine. I have bad social anxiety and have got a fear that I’m going to mess up any friendship or conversation I get into due to terrible “friends” in the past that shit on me for anything I said or did. But the childhood friend messaged me asking if I could take in her animal, I had no idea how to respond so I didn’t, and then I didn’t again….and now almost 2 years has passed. I couldn’t take in the animal at the time but with that being the last message she sent idk wtf to say now if I respond. I’ve already seen her in person like 3 times in short interactions. I also didn’t respond to her mom on an event that happened that she followed up on.

I feel terrible and I have no idea what to say. How should I go about moving forward with my messages to them? Should I acknowledge my anxiety and apologize? And then respond to the messages?

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