I have CPTSD and am high-functioning autistic, making physical touch very distressing for me and often leads to episodes. I started working at an office with a bunch of touchy ladies of various ages. My boss helped me create a sign to put on my desk that says " PLEASE KEEP YOUR DISTANCE FOR MY SAFETY" to prevent coworkers from encroaching on my personal space. One coworker even laughed at it. I have had to address multiple coworkers, multiple times. Now, after moving to a separate office alone and having my manager speak with everyone, it is still happening. It's beginning to feel like harassment. ( I still have the sign up. HR has also been notified of the situation and has approved things like requesting others chat me Instead of coming in to speak verbally.)

I'm currently on vacation but am extremely anxious about returning to the same problem. The day before I left, one of my coworkers touched me again, said sorry for touching you, and continued to touch me. It felt Intentional. I haven't told my manager yet since I went on vacation the next day. I'm considering sending a message to her before I go back. I showed some friends the message I was going to send, and one said it sounded hostile. I am unsure how. Ive included it below. . Maybe my frustration with the situation is clouding my judgment. Idk.

Any feedback negative or positive is greatly appreciated. I'm so tired of dealing with this. It's been ongoing since November 2023 and I can't put up with it much longer.

  • Message to boss *

"I hope all is well and that the office finally habitable again!!!

Before I return from vacation, I need to address some concerns, as I was still having issues before I left for vacation. I didn't bother bringing it up yet, as the one that caused me the most stress, happened right before I left.

The day before my vacation, S** touched me while inquiring about something, despite the sign on my desk. She apologized but continued to touch me. J** is the only other one I have had issues with so far since we had the team huddle. She just stands way too close. While this may not be intentional, its beginning to feel like harassment and makes me feel unsafe.

Personal space is crucial for me due to past trauma and other health conditions, and I am never comfortable with being touched in the workplace. If someone is too close to touch me, they are too close. To prevent further issues upon my return, I plan to:

  1. Place caution tape behind my desk to mark my boundaries and to prevent people from crossing.
  2. Send a reminder via Google Chat to the team about respecting my personal space and to chat me if they need anything.
  3. Either put a sign on the file room door or keep it locked, only meeting in person after being contacted through chat first.

I understand these measures may seem extreme, but they are necessary for my well-being. I am open to any additional suggestions you may have and hope for your support. If the situation does not improve, I may have to consider resigning, which I would prefer to avoid. Perhaps as a last resort, a work from home ordeal could be worked out.

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