(Sorry for my bad english(( )
Im 14 and its probably normal and stuff to have like stable friend groups.I thought I hd a very stable friendgroup till about a few months ago.Some other 2 girls joined the friend group whom I am not very fond of but I didnt ever mention it nor act hostile towards them in any way.
Later my friends started inviting more and more people into the friend group and they constantly hang out with each other…they never invite me or tell me.They juat send me snaps or post it on their insta stories.Summer break started recently and they keep having sleepovers together and do fun stuff that I can only yearn to experience but they never even once have invited me or even thought of including me.I feel so alone and pathetic sitting alone in my room all summer…I feel like im missing out on so much fun but there is no one I can experience it with. My relationship with my best friend is pretty much one sided too, im always the one reachin out to her or asking to hang out..and even if she ends up agreeing its only for a short time or shes bored and constantly on her phone.I am so sad and frustrated…My friends constsntly swnd me snaps of them having fun together and it just makes me sob as stupid as that sounds.It hurts seeing them do things so willingly together when I literally have to beg and adjust to their liking.Im just desperate at this point but its really breaking me and I hate it.I know I shouldnr let it get to me.I at one point blocked them all so I dont have to see it but they started bitching about it…
Is this normal?What can I do for them to willingly invite me along to their hangouts?should I just mive on and look for new friends?

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