Pretty self explanatory. My (34F) boyfriend (34M) (together ~ 1 yr) on a routine basis loudly farts while saying my name. Usually first and middle, on one occasion First Middle and Last name. Pretty sure he does it while pooping, too.

Every time I ask him to stop, he just laughs and says some variation on “you’re so silly.” I think it somehow bothered him that I don’t react to bodily functions for the most part, and he is negative attention seeking.

FWIW, he’s got ADHD, and I’ve got autism. He’s very sensory seeking and I tend to be very sensory avoidant. However, I don’t think that’s as much of a factor as he thinks it is.

TLDR: BF exclaims my name at every act of flatus.


  1. i mean. is it actually that big of a deal? you can’t just ignore him?

  2. Nope. That behaviour is just wrong. If an adult conversation explaining why this is not ok, why you feel uncomfortable with it & doesn’t lead to a satisfactory resolution, just leave. He sounds like he is a 7 yr old.

  3. 34? He’s blazingly immature. ADHD is not responsible for this. Giving himself license to disrespect you is.

  4. “Usually first and middle, on one occasion First Middle and Last name. Pretty sure he does it while pooping, too.”

    Sorry, this is funny. Do it back – bet he keels over laughing.

    He is doing it because he likes you.

  5. Guys are proud of their shits and farts. Some of them never outgrow it. How many grandpas do the whole “pull my finger” thing and fart? I’m sorry your BF calls your name, but you are going to do something really drastic to get him to stop. Tell him you’re going to call his penis “Little Bit” and start yelling it every time you see it.

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