What are the societal expectations placed on men and how do they impact personal identities?

  1. Best get a job because you’re not likely up be able to pay your bills by selling pictures of your butthole like a woman.

  2. Being masculine is so hard. I would argue it harder than being feminine. When youre masiculne its basically being a leader and not everyone can lead. When you’re feminine all you really gotta do is kiss ass, smile and look nice

  3. There is a lot of financial expectation put onto men in society. It’s seen as a good thing when a man can support his woman (not talking about gold digger situations). But a man who doesn’t have a good job and mainly taken care of by his girlfriend or wife might be looked down on more generally speaking. Point is that men have the pressure of always needing to be in a good financial situation, there is likely no-one that will be able to support you in that way, and you’ll be less desirable in the dating world. Most men don’t seem to really care how much women make when dating, so if anything they don’t have the same pressure where net worth somewhat equals value in dating. And the prospect of meeting a guy who will take care of you in that regard is much higher than most men would experience in life with women.

    Men will have a rough life if they don’t ever find a way to financially sustain themselves. I’m not saying that’s not true for some women, but they have a more realistic chance of meeting a man who will be able to support them in some way.

    I’m not saying it’s a good or bad thing. Just pointing it out, and to answer your question, I think it does really effect the path that people take in life and what they are able to focus on.

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