What’s the most annoying shopping experience you had?

  1. When u come out of the store packed with enough groceries for a week and u see a homeless person begging. Makes me feel bad about being able to afford food

  2. Shopping for beauty/skincare products and some salesperson try to put you down or give you unsolicited advice or basically insults like “your acne seem pretty bad. Let me recommend you this product”

  3. Being told that a person of my size was not welcome to shop at that establishment.

  4. I walked into Sephora bare-faced to get colour-matched for foundation. One of the sales reps said loudly “what did you DO to your face?” and I turned around and left.

  5. Im a cup D, apparently the good bras only come up to cup C in my country.

    Also, Im latina living in a latin country full of women with curves, how comes I cant find pants that actually fit my hips?

    And there was one time I went into a “fancy” store for perfume, the woman at the cosmetics counter didnt even look at me and actually left even though I was standing right there. So I walked out, went to a fancier store, got my perfume and then walked back to the first store, looked at the woman in the eye while waving the bag from the other store. Petty but satisfying.

  6. I went shopping with my ex once. I haven’t had lots of guy friends and I have no brothers so this was my first time shopping with a guy. All this while I was told that women take really long to choose but goddamnit. This dude had to buy one shirt and he made us roam around the mall 5 times and finally got the one he liked first. Gosh I was so tired and frustrated. Realised how misleading these stereotypes are.

  7. My formal dress shopping. With my mum and sister, who dragged the whole thing out, just because they liked me going dress shopping. Never again. I’m not a doll.

  8. I was looking for a new cellphone and the sales man just went on and on about how great the phone is for taking selfies. It felt super sexist. I also was in need of a new computer for my job, so I went to a different store. The new salesman again went on and on about how filters can be added to photos and such. I’m not a very feminine woman so this was super annoying. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, have my ears pierced, or have very fashionable clothes.. nothing to indicate I’m really into my looks. The men I spoke to would not tell me any specs to the computer. My boyfriend was so annoyed he blurted out to the salesman what I do for a living so he would take me more seriously. Clearly those sales guys thought women = photo editing and social browsing needs only

  9. Getting followed in a luxury store by the sales lady. She didn’t know this but she lost a sale that day. I planned on buying a few items from them until they started following me.

  10. I went to IKEA to buy a specific outdoor table that was pictured in an ad.

    Having to traverse the maze of vignettes and quirky displays felt like a retail escape room. I found an exit somehow and never went back

  11. All of them. I hate shopping. I find every single time to be stressful and frustrating

  12. When the person in front of you may have been a regular customer, so the cashier chats with him/her as if there weren’t still 20 of us waiting in line to check out.

  13. I went to a hair salon to get a service done and buy products and one of the stylists (that had nothing to do with my service or purchase) walked by, saw me waiting for a ride, and proceeded to make fun of the fact that I don’t drive. This happened twice. I waited a year and a half to return to that salon, but I’m planning to leave again because their cleanliness standards suck. I only returned in the first place because they’re the closest salon to my house.

  14. A. Trying on seemingly endless pairs of jeans to no avail and crying. B. First time a store didn’t have my size after I gained weight. I was a 14 and they had this stupid cutesy sign that 14+ could order online and it really brought me down.

  15. I can think of two.

    1. Buying my first car at 17. Had done my research, knew what I was looking for and could afford. The dealer went to get the car I was interested in only to bring something else around for a test drive. He then proceeded to try to tell me why this car was better for me. My dad who knew that something like this was likely to happen had come with me. First real eye opening experience about how women are treated.

    2. We found some termite damage in our home so I called the company out. I did the walk through with the person and pointed out the areas I’d found. I answered his questions. I asked questions and discussed price. And yet every single answer or question was directed to my husband who’d only come in at the tail end. My husband finally said “you need to speak to her, she’s the one that did the research and is paying.”

  16. Felt like I was assaulted when I walked into Pink.

    I guess the manager was training someone and as soon as I walked in this was her schpiel:

    Her: Hi welcome to pink! When was the last time you were measured?

    Me: Um, never

    Her: Alright well Rebecca (i don’t remember the actual name) here is going to measure you real quick so we can find you size and…

    Me: – I cut her off- I’m gonna stop you right there. I’m pregnant so my size is going to change. Im just browsing today.

    Her: Wow congratulations, so you’re probably looking for something comfortable and yadda yadda (something else I dont remember)

    Me: Yeah, I guess. Im just looking thank you. -i walk away- im not 5 feet away when I hear her tell the other girl let’s go find her some comfy clothes and other options and show them to her

    I walked right out of there and have zero desire to ever go back to any Pink location ever.

    Her when demeanor was super pushy the whole time and she was standing way too close to me (the was about the time in covid when the mask mandates we lifted)

  17. Being followed around by a male shop attendant trying to chat me up.

  18. All of them! It’s noisy and they put unnatural smells everywhere to make you feel hungry or go buy a perfume… I get headaches within an hour. I could deal with people noise and smell but they need to add music, perfume, AC, sales people talking to me (No, you can’t help me unless I asked!)… hate it.

  19. one time i went to MAC to get lipstick for my mom and I know the shade she want, but i haven’t tried that yet so I just want to see how it will look on me so put a little bit of the tester in my hand.
    one of their salesperson just swoop in and said ‘ you wouldn’t know the shade like that’ and took my wrist and open up ( i was wearing long sleeve top) and did a complete masterstroke of the lipstick in my wrist without even asking me first.

    never returned to that shop

  20. During the pandemic when people where taking toilet paper out of your cart because they thought they needed it more 🙁

  21. I was trying to go grocery shopping with my mom and this lady wouldn’t stop asking me and my mom about what companies we use in our house because she was one of those people that try to get people to use their company, but we were in a hurry.

  22. I ordered a discontinued handbag online from a major department store that suspiciously had stock even though I had no luck finding it anywhere else. I went to pick it up and they checked my order on a computer before retrieving it from the back, handing me the same handbag but covered in FUR (not what I had ordered at all). I question this, they tell me that they can see on the computer that the image of what I ordered did not match what they handed me, but the SKU for what I paid for matched the fur one. I asked how I was supposed to know that, and did they even have the one that I ordered? They said no. I said I would like my refund now please.

    What annoys me is that this was many months ago, and they made no attempt to fix the listing for the item whatsoever and are STILL advertising the same bag on their website with the images and description for the one they don’t even have and can’t ever get.

  23. Second comment hahah —-

    I couldn’t forget this one, I went to Select Citywalk Delhi Mall at the Innisfree store and the worker there legit told me to use face wash – serum -toner – serum — wtf is this!

  24. Walking into a cute new boutique or clothing shop and realizing that they don’t carry your size. I’m not even considered plus size, but when you don’t see a single XL anywhere, it begins to dawn on you. So you poke around pretending to look at accessories while the store clerk watches you with a knowing look. It makes me not want to go into new stores, particularly boutique looking ones.

  25. Trying vintage items on in a boutique and the gay male clerk told me I’m not allowed to try anything on without showing him. He hollered over the changeroom come out now and he wanted to see everything.

    Sir, just because you are gay does not mean you can demand to stare at a woman’s body without being called a fucking creep.

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