When I was 5, I met a girl through our mothers, who were friends. We would hang out occasionally, but I eventually moved to another country. Fast forward 15 years, and I noticed she was following me on social media and engaging with my posts. I reached out, and we’ve been chatting for the past month. We have been talking about her coming to live in my country and she said she’s thinking about actually doing it. I then invited her to visit me in Rome where I will be staying with my friends for five days. She lives in a completely other country. She agreed and booked her ticket the next day. I also asked if she was comfortable sharing a bed, and she said, "Yes, everything is awesome”. I told her to wear her cute little dress when we meet up and she said “awesome I’ll try”. Is there romantic interest from this woman and how can I stop overthinking it ? like she’s willing fly to come see me in another country, pay for her ticket and take time off of work.

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