Hey there, I am a 25F dating a 30M. We've been together for about 2.5 years. This is truly been such a wonderful relationship. He's always been super supportive emotionally, mentally, and even financially when it was necessary. I will always be grateful for that.

We have talked about how we are on the path to marriage and I couldn't be happier. I love this man so much and I'd marry him in a heartbeat.

We've talked about it for around 6 months and though I don't expect it to happen immediately. I feel a sense of urgency about it. I see these other stories on hear about how people have waited too long for a proposal. Or they were always fed a line that "I'm just waiting on X to happen" or Y to happen. I'm scared of that happening to me- therefore making me really insecure about our relationship.

I know that it's probably just intrusive thoughts and social pressure getting to me. How can I communicate this to my boyfriend without making it sound like I don't trust him? How do I work through it myself?

TL;DR – I'm insecure about not being engaged, but I know it's irrational. How do I work through it and communicate it without sounding like I don't trust my boyfriend?

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