I dated a man aged 28 m and it went super well to be honest but he started lying to be about a very basic information. And I started to feel sussed out after that.

But we eventually broke up and I confronted him about him not wanting to see me every week and also wanting to call less. All he ever did was deflect the blame on me and my own attitude. He then texted me he wanted to break up and for me of course I felt sad at first because I truly loved him. But after my final messages he ghosted me. I called him and he never picked up the calls. He told me my closure was that we are both from different backgrounds. That’s how it ended

But I don’t honestly get why would people do such a thing especially if they’ve said they love you. So it means that words are weightless in the end and actions show more.

For that I’m so grateful honestly that it has ended because you don’t ever want to be with such a person even for year and beyond cause that’s how they will be and their colours will truly show one day. It was such a disrespect but I’m glad it’s over. Love yourself enough to know that you deserve way better than such treatment. They will show you who they are and it’s up to us to accept it. But I’m just kinda bumped I had to go through this knowing I knew better from the start. What are your thoughts?

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