my FWB wants a relationship, I’m not sure I want to. Im 26, shes 24. I’ve been single for like 7 months, we’ve been seeing each other for about 6. If I wanted a relationship I would ask her out, we vibe extremely well, we watch the same shows, have the same sense of humor, and I do feel some emotional attraction, I even get jelous sometimes. but I’m just not sure I actually want to get into something serious, I enjoy being single and having a bunch of options. I enjoy the freedom of it. I’m not sure if having a a bunch of options and multiple fwbs ruined relationships for me, I don’t get why I wouldn’t want to try dating her. I feel like somethings wrong with me, like I’m broken

  1. Because she’s giving you the benefits of a relationship without the cost. Why would you WANT to change that?

  2. Because you’re emotionally walled off, scared shitless of being hurt emotionally, and spent way too much time since age 11 watching hardcore porn that has completely fucked up your expectations of sex and intimacy.

  3. A lot of people in their prime have that attitude of why would I settle down and deal with the emotional aspect of a relationship when i can just enjoy life how it is right now. And It might be great now but once you’re out of your prime and the options you have now no longer exist you’ll spend a lot of time thinking about the girls you pushed away just because you had options. I think you should take a realistic look at what you want in the future and keep in mind that this life goes by fast and it’s important not to waste your time or hers on something with no meaning.

  4. It’s fun but it also isn’t great for long term. Which is also fine too. Like most fwb will come and go with time. And it becomes harder to find one the older you get.

    So idk I think being single was always more fun but I have commitment issues. However it would be nice to bang someone I don’t have to work around their banging other guys schedule.

    Then again dating sounds terrible too. They always want such a rush to a future. Marriage kids house parents weddings. I’m like can’t we just only fuck each other and love each other and that be enough?

  5. You answered your own question, bro.

    You’re not broken – you just want to remain a free man and get the benefits of being in a relationship. That’s what FWB is all about.

  6. Have you experienced romantic attraction at some point? If not, or very little, you could possibly be at least somewhat aromantic.

  7. What’s nice about a fwb vs. a relationship is you don’t have to compromise…

    Maybe that’s what you’re feeling? You feel free while having the fwb and that must be super liberating. As soon as you slap a label on it, you have to start compromising on things and doing the whole buy her flowers bit

  8. Just a comment- I don’t have any new answers to add. I honestly think it’s great that you have the awareness and introspection to think this through. Good luck to you!

  9. If you like being free, stay single.Sometimes when you’ve been around someone you’re having sex with for that long, emotions will creep in. She’s probably going through the same thing. Handle your business.

  10. You are not broken. You realise you want sex and FWB gets you sex without a relationship. Stay as you are. Unless you want children.

  11. Why don’t you want to be in a relationship? Why the fuck ask strangers that. I’ll give you my reason for your choices in life. Because you are a shallow individual that only thinks of themselves.

  12. There nothing wrong with you. there’s really no pros in getting things official.

  13. Hah… Just take the relationship… Youre in too deep now anyway… Besides… Once she finds someone better than you, youll feel like the dumbest loser in dumbfuckistan

  14. The question you need to ask if why are you afraid. Is it because a previous one ended badly and you think it will happen again. Finding someone who you truly get along with and enjoy spending time with PLUS the sex is good is a rare thing my friend and I would rather try and fail then to let it simply slip away. The women could be your life long partner in several years but you’ll never know if ya don’t shoot the shot.

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