So I (26F) met this guy (36M). The first date went well, we had drinks. The 2nd date, pizza place, then a walk. I offered to pay half but he said no. The 3rd, to his house, I made no demands. He did not cook but we had wine and physical intimacy. I traveled a lot to meet him after work (for the 3rd time) as I live about nearly 2 hours away, and the experience was not great. He did not even offer dinner (just a cheeseboard), sex was mediocre, no spark was felt, I could not sleep as he was moving the whole night, and I had to be up early for work. All this took effort.

To end it off, I had a shower and did not see the towel by the bath, and it got wet. I still tried to use it, before I left he asked me what I had done to the towel, like, what?

For the 4th date I suggested he could come to my area, as I had always gone to meet him (I dont live alone, so he could not come to my house but we could get a hotel if it led to that). He would be traveling the next day, and I offered to drive him to the Airport as it’s close to my house, so he could just bring his staff with him.

He agreed coming my way, though I had to somewhat insist. He then said ‘ not sure about a hotel since I am already spending a lot of money living in London ‘. To me this screams cheap, especially for a ‘ finance director ‘, and I never asked for anything else before, always let him lead with dates. Just thought it would be fair for him to make the effort to come and stay over this time.

Anyway, I called him cheap and said good luck. He then blocked me, which, well, good riddance.

Am I being unreasonable?

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