So I 27f and my boyfriend is 27m. We've have been dating for 2 years. The past 6 months I occasionally have pain during sex and have to stop. The pain Is weird though. It kinda burns when his penis is in me. Like you know when you have a uti and it burns a little and feels like you have to pee. That's what sex feels like to me sometimes. It's not every time but probably every few times we have sex. Usually the pain stop after we stop having sex but sometimes the pain will linger for a bit.

I'm sure you guys will ask so I'll answer. We both got tested for STDs when we first met. Mostly because I'm a paranoid girly and like to be safe. He had no problem with this and we both came back clean. When I started having pain we started wondering if we should test again to rule that out. Neither of us think the other is cheating but we thought maybe the test was wrong or something was laying dormant in our system. And let's be honest it's good to be able to rule that out. We both got tested and we both came back clean.

So I have no clue what is going on. For context I am very very prone to UTIs and always have been even before I lost my virginity as a teen. I get a fee UTIs a year. My doctor says that it's nothing to worry about and I'm just prone to getting them. Has anyone else experienced this?

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