So i am a 43/W/M who was released from State prison 10months ago. First some backround info.. I rent an apartment in Pennsylvania from a Mexican woman who lives in another state. I am college educated with a civil engineering degree, i had a 6 figure income before prison and now im making about 75k (in the same field)
My landlord lives in Manhattan, she is 30 yrs old, owns her own business and doing very well for herself. She is 100% Mexican and speaks NO english. I speak very little spanish. We talked for mo ths via texts and google translate and we fell in love. We see eachother about twice a month and when we are together we communicate through a translator. I thought it would never work but its probably the best relationship ive ever had. I have a checkered past as a gang related, drug dealer, felon who has seen and done it all. All the women and experiences one can imagine. But thats the old me, i just want to love and be loved. But i need advice on dating a mexican woman, shes only been in this country for 10yrs. She is a good person, a widow, a mother, sweet, loving, nurturing innocent woman. I treat her like a princess. Can anyone give me advice on how to not fuck this up? Typically i know how to keep American women…. you gotta show.interest and pull back, show interest and then ignore them. Keep them guessing. But i dont think that shit will work with this girl. And i really want to keep this one.

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