I’ve been incredibly unhappy in my current LTR for a few years now. We’ve been together for 13 years and have 4 kids. I have grown and evolved throughout the relationship and have been the sole provider through a few different career changes. I am not knocking the mother of my children at all. However, from the age of 22 until now I have covered and taken care of everything as I should.

The past few years I have been feeling empty and lost with her. She claims to have battled anxiety, depression and post partum. I have paid for therapy, medication to regulate her and nothing changes. She sleeps all day, plays video games at all available times. She has not grown into her own person. My house is neglected and children somewhat are as well. Only time she makes a change is when I get angry or say something. I do help where I can. Having two jobs is difficult to do so when I have limited time at home.

I met someone at my former job who is 12 years younger, but mentally brilliant, has drive and passion to succeed and goals in life. We have been kind of going out for the last year. We fell in love with each other. Never crossed any boundaries between us besides kissing. I know she loves me but I feel she is unsure with the age gap or what others will say. I have never felt this way towards someone. It is electric and magnetic when we are together.

I want to make it clear that I am not leaving one relationship to jump into another. I have been mentally checked out of my current one and feel nothing for her anymore. I don’t label myself as a cheater or agree with my actions. I just desperately want to be happy again and move on regardless of what happens.

Is this a mid life crisis at 35, has anyone been in this situation before? I know this rant is a little vague. I am fearful of being let down with a rejection or making a mistake. I feel the mother of my children is not going to change and I have evolved into a different person and want to click with someone and have a happy relationship.

Tl;dr – ltr of 13 years failing due to laziness of partner, met someone new who is awesome, but both scared.

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