hi everyone. i don't know how to explain what's happening, and i need to ask everyone. I tried to make a tldr but im not sure if its good since im very stressed right now. Srry.

Me(22M) and my boyfriend(25M) , Eren, have been together for 2 years. We met when friends introduced us to eachother at a party. We started going out more with eachother more then started officially dating. After about a year of dating, we decided to start living with eachother. I moved out due to unaccepting parents, they figured out I was dating a man and lost their minds. So, Eren recommend we could move in with eachother. Me and him both have jobs, but he also gets money from his parents. His parent's dont care about who he dates, they just wanted him out of the house. So we moved in with eachother and its been a year.

However, here is where the problem started. A little backstory, I have ADHD and it effects my memory. I forget a lot of things, I also just have memory issues in general. And I have a history of being messy and leaving messes everywhere. Its a problem I've been battling for a while

So when we moved in with eachother, Eren started claiming that i forgot simple things. Like locking the door or closing a cabinet door, putting food away and stuff of that sort of stuff. I apologized and believed him because of my memory and forgetfulness. I thought I genuinely had forgotten about this stuff.

Then it started getting a bit grander. I'd find my stuff laying out in places, like my hoodies or paperwork or my pencils/pens. When i asked him about it, he just said I left it there. I must have forgot. I kept believing him because I really don't know why he would lie.

Or objects i lost would be in places i already checked.

This is when it got worse. When I was showering one time, i heard a knock on the closed bathroom door. When I got out I asked Eren about it and he said he was taking a nap and maybe I was just hearing things. When I'd be napping I'd hear the knocking at the door, I'd wake up and look at the door but there would be no one there. When I asked him about it again he said once more I'm probably hearing things.

Also, things i placed down somewhere would start disappearing and end up in my bedroom. Like, I placed a shirt on the laundry basket yesterday to remind myself we need to wash, but then I saw it in my closet later that day. When I had my sketchbook in the living room, it somehow ended up in my room. I have no memory of doing this though?

Last night is where my gut started feeling funny. Me and Eren had dinner, I was cooking. One..I took out some spices and put them aside but I had to get my phone that was charging in the living room so I left for a moment. When I got back the spices were moved a little. Eren was sitting and using his phone. I asked if he moved those and he gave me a funny look. Then he asked something like "you have been asking so many questions like that lately are you okay?" Or something. He sounded so like…i don't know. Offended or disgusted? I can't explain it.

I just proceeded to make dinner. Once it was done and I served him, we sat down and ate. I asked him what that was about earlier. I was like "why did you ask if I was okay?" And he was like "well lately you've been forgetting things and hearing things." But the part that REALLY REALLY stuck out was "thank god you have me here. It's like you're crazy or something."

I just kinda stared at him for a few seconds then went back to eating. So after that, the night was normal. We went to bed and stuff. However, I use a phone alarm every morning, I am a deep sleeper. This morning however i was woken by Eren shaking me and yelling. I asked what was wrong and he said I slept through my alarm. Which is weird because I never do. I panicked because it wakes me up for work but then he said "its okay i woke you up. You don't need an alarm. What would you do without me?"

So yeah. Is this a weird thing? Any advice on how to deal with this? Or any advice on how to talk to him about this?

Tldr: i feel like my boyfriend is moving stuff and making noises to create this narrative that im going crazy. He keeps telling me that i should be glad he is here and he is the only one to help me. I cant shake the feeling that something is wrong

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