Ok so I messaged the other woman through an anonymous account. He had a girlfriend for 10 months, got bored, started flirting with me, and broke up with her 3 months later. I knew he had a girlfriend but I didn’t know her and I didn’t do anything physical with him while they were together, just flirted. Well, after 10 months of a fwb/situationship, he got bored of me and went back to her. I was ok with things ending between us as I had also gotten bored but I would be lying if it didn’t feel shitty. He was bored with her, hung out with me, and when he got bored after the same amount of time, he went back to her. I hope I didn’t message her out of my own ego/pride. It sucks that they got back together. But a huge part of me just wanted her to know he sucks. Like he’s just not a good guy. I can say with 100% certainty I think she’s better than him and deserves a better boyfriend. When I messaged her, all I said was “just so u know, ur better than him”. She asked why and all I said was “idk the whole story, and he didn’t cheat on you i don’t think, but it was kinda sus ngl”. She thanked me. This part I’m just typing to make myself feel better but I didn’t say who I was, what he actually did, or any real incriminating details. ALL I said was that she deserves better and there was possibly a suspicious girl situation.

In general what do we think? Girls telling other girls about their cheating boyfriends? I don’t blame myself for being the other women for a couple months cause honestly I don’t know her and he’s the one who cheated, not me, plus it’s not like things were ever serious between us. Just a 10 month fwb thing. But this situation has taught me that I don’t want to be caught in the middle again lol.

  1. Oh yeah and he definitely found out it was me who messaged her cause he blocked me on everything. That or she confronted him and he wanted to get rid of any evidence that he knows me cause deep down he feels guilty about it. I was just trying to put myself in her shoes but maybe it wasn’t my place to even consider that. I just think she deserves soooo much better. We both do lol.

  2. Yes, Im about to do the same thing. Looked up the other girl on his social media. Tell her he’s sleeping with both of us or more and all his lies.

  3. Dude don’t get in the other peoples business people won’t believe you if you tell them what they don’t want to hear. I don’t know what your belief system is but I’m a tell you right now I believe karma is a thing the universe looks out for us all in separate ways and I feel like the person‘s gonna find out anyway. There’s only so many times that you can run around and not get caught

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