Over the last few years my social circle has dwindled to very little and I'm feeling it.

I'm a 52F probably ASD but never had any issue making friends, although most were quiet people like myself.

Two friends died in the last decade. Miss them constantly.

1 childhood friend became increasingly pretentious and arrogant to the point where she kept scoffing at my life choices, my husband, my decision making… finally I had enough – but I do miss her despite it all but I don't think there's any coming back from that.

Another close college friend married without telling me and we were very, very good friends for 30 years. She had been my bridesmaid. Initially I felt it was her choice but then I realised that I was genuinely very hurt and with Covid distance I cut contact. Again I miss her a lot. Her husband is a bit superior and doesn't make me feel welcome when I visited so that's another thing.

They were kind of it apart from another friend who is currently sinking into depression and despite me gently encouraging her to get help, she won't, so it's hard to see her. She seems angry and distant when we meet occasionally.

How do you start again with friends at age 52? Anyone else the same? How do you know what to do?

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