Just wondering.

  1. Doesn’t make me feel anything. Just how the internet works. People delete their stuff all the time.

  2. It’s a bit irritating. We’d have fewer dumb questions if people held their Ls.

  3. I find it moderately annoying.

    That said, we are sometimes to blame. I know I can be a bit pithy. Sometimes even *gasp* sarcastic.

    When it gets more annoying is when somebody takes the time to write out a well-thought and clear comment with a good explanation and breakdown of (insert thing here). Upon hearing reason the OP bails. That’s obnoxious.

    Its fine to dismiss pithiness. Dismissing discussion is annoying.

  4. Annoyed but overall unbothered. If they want validation, they’ll be searching forever. Life for them is going to be hard.

  5. A bit irritated, but at the end of the day I don’t much care. Pricks’ll be pricks no matter what.

  6. I find moderately amusing, like “aww, did someone not find the validation they were looking for?”

  7. Not as annoying as when the mods seemingly remove any remotely “controversial” questions (a more recent development). But we can continue talking about our favorite breakfast foods and state capitals and whatnot.

  8. Really only care if I’m mid typing and it gets deleted, and I can’t seem to be able to post my comment. Then realized it was deleted

  9. It is kind of a let down. I’m taking the time to thoughtfully answer the question. Unless it is removed by the mods, people should leave posts up.

  10. Sometimes, I chalk it up to them not unchecking the option that puts every answer in your inbox.

    It only really amuses me when someone asks a question that has a reasonable answer, but clearly expect us to spark, short-circuit and explode like a computer Kirk talked to in the original *Star Trek.*

  11. It feels like they’ve probably been called out on their hypocritical stupidity, and personally, fuck em. It’s foreigners that delete their questions because they call Americans stupid and ignorant yet show that they themselves are ignorant. I don’t think this comment was deleted but a person asked if Americans get haircuts… HAIRCUTS. Of course we get haircuts, people on every country do. I literally facepalmed when I read that question.

  12. It’s pretty rude.

    People take time to read their post and then type a response and they maybe engaged in a conversation with somebody else and “thread has been deleted.”

  13. I find it extremely frustrating.

    I often wonder why they delete their posts, maybe it is because we were not validating their biases and prejudices.

  14. I just mentally think “coward” and move on. Mild annoyance at best.

    If it was a really shit tier question that deserved a ban and I don’t get to it before they delete then I’m annoyed because I don’t know who to ban.

    Thankfully that’s a rare case.

  15. Typical Internet behavior (regardless of place of origin)

    Often people don’t want a dialog and they certainly don’t want to learn anything. They just want confirmation that their existing beliefs are correct.

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