My girlfriend and I have been going out now for around 6 months. I’ve never had reason to doubt her or not trust her but something just seemed off tonight. For the past few weeks she’s been home and hanging out with the people she used to go to school with. Sometimes just guys sometimes just girls sometimes both. Now she’s always messaged me on these nights and kept me updated on everything which I really appreciate. My girlfriend rarely wears makeup yet tonight decided to spontaneously do her hair, put makeup on and do a full shave. Which is what she normally does before we have a night out together.

I questioned it and she said she was just doing it for her then after awhile she got annoyed and said she just wouldn’t go. I felt bad after that and said I’m not telling you not to go I just wanted to know why you’re all dressed up. When I say hangout they’re all in their cars driving about and doing stupid games in said cars, not like out drinking or in a club or anything like that. She said she’ll message as usual and that all the guys are like brothers and she’s known them forever.

Am I wrong for being worried? I just imagine the roles reversed and me getting dressed up to hang out with a bunch of girls and it doesn’t seem right.

TL;DR girlfriend got dressed up to hang out with a group of guy friends tonight.

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