What makes you do a double take on someone?

  1. They have a face. I think people are interesting. They’re all different. No two are *exactly* 100% the same. (And yes even twins have differences in their personalities.)

  2. Hair. Absolutely love seeing the different styles and colors. Also an outfit that just pops!

  3. Pretty/expressive eyes.

    Also, when they have an energy about them that seems genuinely happy/carefree and confident.

  4. When my first take doesn’t give me enough information to assess if they are a threat or not.

  5. Normally positive things.

    I often worry that it will be interpreted otherwise! Particularly as I’m a fairly conventional looking person who’s drawn to, for example, alternative and gender non-conforming folk? I wish I could tell all the cool people I’ve given a second glance in the street that it was because they looked wonderful.

  6. Something unusual, like wearing heavy coat during summer or thin shirt during winter. If I think I know them and have to rethink where do I know them from. They have interest personal style and it’s nice to see people like that.

  7. Women…yeah…especially kind ones that will say hi and help you out anywhere. Like today I saw an older woman shopping with her husband stopped to help a few girls with makeup and the girls were so sweet back. My heart. Next thing I know a lot of women flocked around her and asked her questions and she patiently helped them all. It was awesome. From one kind lady some 20 other women walked out smarter and kinder.

    Long, tall women…I’m a leg fiend. I love when tall women show off the legs and highlight them with heels or all sorts of skirts…oof. When the thigh muscles move as they walk…😭🤤🤤. Like Barbies, but real! I smile like a little idiot when I see one.

    Confident, happy people. It doesn’t matter if they’re not attractive but something’s so beautiful about a person that loves themselves and respects themselves. Truly happy people make my heart stir.

    Booty. Anyone that’s packing a nice one will get my attention. Love butts.

    Big hair. Big hair is impressive. It makes me giddy like a little girl to see someone own their hive. I find all sorts of curly and kinky hair so eye catching and dazzling. I just want to fluff them.

    When a man is pretty…the bar is low…but NGL, a hot bloke is dazzling.

  8. On Girls: A Nice Booty
    On Guys: Sexy Arms/Hands

    I definitely check out chick’s more than men lol

    I even point them out to my hubby if they are SUPER adorbs

  9. I live in wacky ville.

    But last week was the first time I’ve ever seen someone walk a house cat on a proper leash and harness 😳

  10. Once at the start of the pandemic I saw a lady waiting at the intersection covered in plastic bags from head to toe.

  11. I did a double take in Mexico when I was running down a street after picking a mango from a tree and trying to show it to my boyfriend. This surfer guy was shirtless and ripped. Insanely gorgeous and looked like a Greek god. I was still running but I had to take one more look

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