I 20F and my bf M21 are dating for 2 years. We came together to new life in new country. It’s stressful so we tried to help it somehow with zaza. So now we smoke every day together. ( I’m saying it because it’s only way we spend time together, he don’t want to go out anywhere either)
Our sex is 2 times a month, only when he wants it. It lasts couple minutes, super boring and frustrating. I don’t have ability to get wet so it’s painful for me, I told it to him then he’s just spitting on his d. I tried to explain to him what makes me feel pleased, he refuses or just ignores. I tried to encourage him with lubricant and sex cards I bought, he refuses, told this is TOO MUCH for him!
My last try to light up a spark : I met my bf from job in sexy bodysuit,he never seen before,and with cake I baked. He started laughing when he seen me, and said he’s tired and want to chill. The rest of the day he spent smoking zaza, playing games, as always, 0 attention to me. I was devastated after all this.
BTW he doesn’t speak, chat to other women at all
He’s going on business trip. I started to think frl about having a side guy to finally please me, while my bf far away. Am I a betrayer?

  1. Why are you guys together?Why are you with him?
    If you go thru with having a side guy, you’ll show show you have no integirty, self respect or charachter, normal person would leave a partner and move on, regardless if it’s hard or not, it’s the right thing to do.

  2. Yeah, you would be, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. ~~Assuming divorce isn’t a realistic option for you, then make do the best you can.~~ Wait, you aren’t married? Why not just leave this asshole, or do you have no other means of support?

  3. He doesn’t even like you. What do you get from this non-relationship? You’re roommates at this point. He doesn’t care at all about you.

    Leave so you can pick up whatever shred of dignity you have left so you can find someone who instantly ravages you if you showed up in a sexy bodysuit and a cake.

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