Things have been rough. My ex has issues and I know I do too. He needs actual mental help and refuses ways blamed me for his wrong doings etc. That in itself would be an entirely different post and long.

My life in general has been hard lately. I go to school full time, work full time, still have to accomplish other things and I was pretty much carrying him and all his issues on my back making them my own to help him. (I know, I should've never done that I have my own issues to work on too)

Well, yesterday at work he was in a mood. Has been all week. It's been different than his moods before (he hears voices, cleaning up from addiction and believes these voices) he had a I call them episodes, went off, accused me of things (I never did) and was just going off. Then said some not so nice things and broke up with me. That was yesterday.

Today, I find out I have covid. Yesterday I was feeling awful but tested negative, tested again today and was positive. He knew I wasn't feeling good but told me to fuck off anyways.

So, I felt sick, body aches and chills etc, get broken up with via text and blocked. Find out I have covid. And that's just adding to the mess of me. I randomly breakdown and cry but it makes me feel worse.

With all this said, how can I finally just let go and accept everything? I love him but it feels pretty clear he hasn't loved me. How do I move on while being sick. How do I stop thinking about the person I was with for 6 years? I wish I could just delete all of it.

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