So I'm (16F) a naturally skinny female (110lbs 5"5) and I've been like this all my life, but around a year ago my mom (40F) just has become obsessed with my weight and body and I hate it so much as it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Alongside just making uncomfortable comments, she also forces me to overeat which leads me to feel sick. She will turn things I have said against me and claim things have never said, (she was saying I called her fat when I quite clearly said the opposite telling her she isn't.) I find it disqusting how she uses these claims to try to turn family members against me. I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells and I'm not allowed to say anything because she will always find a way to turn it against me or put words into my mouth! I really just don't know what to do at this point as it's been going on for over a year now and it just keeps getting worse.

One of the weirdest parts about this is that my older brother is thinner than me and eats normal, just like me. but yet she never forces him to overeat and she never comments about his body.

What should I do at this point? Is there any things I can say or do to help me make this situation better? My mom is extremely stubborn as well so a simple “can you stop” or conversation won’t help. I’m just so tired of this and feeling disgusting about my body because of her.

My mother keeps making uncomfortable comments about my body and weight, twisting my words, and forcing me to overeat to the point where I’m sick. I don’t know what to do at this point.

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