Without over explaining here, knowing how to do this witty banter thing is critical at work and I’m terrible at it. Most of the time the jokes go over my head or when I hear them go back and fourth I’m sitting there in awe of how quick they are and where do they come up with this stuff? My personality is polite, and I’m very literal and I think that is part of my issue. How do I stop thinking so literally and how do I start being able to come up with quick witted, banter responses that match them?

To clarify, they’re not being mean- they’re playing on words or gently poking fun at situations that they then bounce off of. I can listen and when I understand the conversation I think it’s funny. It’s not mean.

Some suggestions I’ve heard:
Toastmasters to get better at public speaking
Watching improv
Watching things like comedy shows or shows like Arrested Development with that type of quick witted humor.

Is there an app where I can practice this stuff? A game? I have a ton of downtime on my phone so I can type, read, play games, etc., but not really watch or listen to things.

Also- I’m very socially anxious at work because I don’t fit in so I understand quick Witt is going to be even more challenging when my brain occupied with worrying about everything. With that being said, I know there’s some space in there to try and there are moments when I’m relax so it is possible in certain moments. If I was good at this banter or if I had confidence in my ability to do I’m certain my anxiety level would go way down. For me, knowing how to do this is key to reducing my anxiety.

I’ll try and give an example when I hear one if that’s helpful.

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