How do you take care of and support your girl during her period?

  1. Find out what cheers her up. Then do it. I bought a bright yellow reusable bag because she used yellow to cheer herself up when she was PMSing. And it made me so sad that I had to throw it away when it was over

  2. I don’t do anything. Well I guess sometimes she asks me to grab a heating pad for her if I’m up, and I’ll do that.

  3. I don’t think you need to comfort a woman during her period man. Most of us have it figured out

  4. Weighted blanket, ice cream, movies, cuddles and reassuring her how much she’s loved

  5. Never had to do much unless she needed it, in which case she would ask for whatever it was she needed. Most of hers were mild but not life-altering so she didn’t need much. I think it would be strange to go completely out of your way for someone like this unless they had severe symptoms, which most women don’t normally have. I know my wife would have been annoyed and felt patronized if I did anything out of the ordinary, other than surprising her with ice cream but I would do that anyway. Helping her by getting pads/tampons/pain meds is just common courtesy, and she would only ask me if I was already out at the store or planning to go. Can’t think of much else to add here.

  6. Throw chocolate and run.

    Seriously, you offer to have her take a hot bath or use a heating pad. Keep pain meds that she can take handy. Get feminine products (take a clear picture of the product and keep in mind that the packaging might change, know if they are unscented or have a certain fragrance), have a dark towel handy if sexytime is an option.

  7. I will do all the things most guys do but when the psycho stuff starts she goes to her mom’s house until that shit ends.

  8. I throw her chocolate like its a live grenade as i cower behind the couch

  9. She has been riding that dragon most of her life . She doesn’t need my help .

  10. Tolerate the swings but help her if she want something I’d get it and watch her shows

  11. Tie a box of chocolate to the end of a broom handle and stick it through a cracked doorway and wait for the thrashing to subside, once it stops shaking and jerking you can enter the space safely,
    ;< )

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