We’ve been dating for a year and a few months. The relationship is relatively good and healthy. We have a bumpy sex life though. We barely have sex. We’re kind of limited on when we can have sex. It’s usually on the weekends at his place. He lives with his dad.

The problem is, I’m usually horny during the day and initiate but get rejected because his dad is downstairs and he only wants to do it when he’s asleep. Now I usually get high at night and end up passing out so we miss our opportunity.

During the week we’re at my place and my parents are super strict. They’re usually around so we can’t have sex. On occasion they’ll be doing yard work or something and we can sneak downstairs to have some fun. But that’s pretty rare.

I’m only 22, and we barely have sex. I have a higher libido so once a week or sometimes not even that is frustrating. I don’t know what to do

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