Hello everyone. I’m a 18f and I’ve been friends with a group of a lot of guys and a couple girls between ages 15-19 for three years. Some of these people are dear friends of mine, I love talking to them and we have a lot of amazing memories together. But there’s a couple people who kind of spoil the vibe for me. I have a friend (who before this i used to consider a very close one) who has a community pool and invites people from the group every day but never invites me. The pool only allows 3 or 4 outsiders, which I understand, but he rotates between people from the group and it seems like I’m never an option. There’s also another guy in the group whose only sense of humour seems to be making jokes about me and my birthplace (I’m from the Canary Islands). I played along at first but it has gotten repetitive and I’m kinda annoyed now, plus when I joke back he gets lowkey offended and starts getting personal. I feel like most of them don’t see me as an equal for being a girl, and this is kind of spoiling it all for me when I hang out with them and I don’t have fun as I used to. I’m starting college in a brand new city in a month, so it’s not like I will be left alone if we tear apart. Also, my boyfriend is part of the friend group (but he barely hangs out with us bc he lives a couple hours away). What should I do?

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