Yep. I’m one of those now. Dry spell.

I (20f) haven’t had any sex for at least a year… I met sb on here and we hit it off. He (28) was down here for business but most often work here.
We met and had food and drinks and went to his hotel, we had fun doing the deeds and dropped me off. But what was weird, is the whole 30 min car ride he was telling me, that he wanted to see me again tm morning and he had a really great time,, after that…. I wake up and I’m block/un added…. Honestly I’m not mad but really disappointed. Now I see why I didn’t want to try, but somehow it’s kinda getting to me and I feel like shit🙁🙁.

  1. Im sorry why the hell are people like this. You seem like a great woman. Wish you luck in the future

  2. He probably has a wife/gf back at home. Even if he does or doesn’t, still doesn’t give him to right to do that to you

  3. Im might get down voted for this but just write it off as a one night stand. You had some fun, he’s a jerk and just put it in the past. Not all people are awful. Hope you find something better soon

  4. You got your entire life ahead of you. Thanks for trying and putting yourself out there.

  5. Those are usually just tactics to get the other excited/interested. Sorry you had to go through that

  6. nothing wrong with a “dry spell”. first, don’t call it that. anyone can get laid at anytime. it’s LAUGHABLY easy. most ppl can’t keep their dicks in their pants or legs closed. if you wanna wait until it feels right, that’s a good thing. sex as a “feel good” thing will start to erode your soul. as you get get older… it destroys your self respect. nothing wrong with waiting. i went 8 fucking years. make people earn that shit.

  7. Don’t let it get you down, I know it’s easier said than done but you’re doing more than most women out here which is putting yourself out there. I know it sucks we all been there. That’s on him being a coward by blocking you and not having the balls to tell you why. Karma will serve him, as she serves everyone good or bad. Keep ya head up your man is out there

  8. Telling someone what they think they want to hear to get what they want. Sex. Wham bam.

  9. Wow, what a tool. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Was he at least entertaining?

  10. I’ve never understood that sort of behavior. When I say something like that, I basically mean it. Sorry you ran into someone who doesn’t.

  11. You were an object to him, why does that not surprise you? You SB didn’t like you he just liked buying and using you. No feelings, he’s gonna lie through his teeth to you on every occasion because your just a piece of rented equipment

  12. For the mean ones,,,
    We both agreed and planned our day the way it went. He enjoyed it & I did too. But there were lies said and feelings hurt, especially when talking for at least 3 weeks.
    I’m not dumb nor fucking clueless, it was just a mistake I’m learning. And yes, 20 years old might’ve been crazy to complain like I’m 25+ lol but imagine you working your ass off just to live and trying to treat yourself once… didn’t know it was a crime 🧍🏽‍♀️💁🏽.

  13. There are two possibilities that I can think of:

    First and foremost, I think he’s in a committed relationship and he doesn’t want anything to get back to his partner.

    The second is that the deeds from the last night wasn’t up to what his expectation was and he decided to make a clean break and not to pursue things further.

  14. It just happens. I would say it’s not you but him. Just move on and chalk it up to lesson learned. I get it though. It’s tough and you feel used and abused. And I am a male. Had a good bit happen just like you said.

  15. It happens to us guys too, and apparently at all ages. Just a couple weeks ago had a great second date with a lady, talked afterwards, she asked to see me again, woke up the next morning blocked. I think people are just weird now.

  16. You are very young. 20. Please be careful with one night stands. Also he was too old for you. Men these days treat us like we are disposable holes.

    Save yourself for someone special. Trust me.

    And if you wanna have fun do it but use protection and be wise and also expect that many men lie.

  17. Always remember the way others operate in relation to us has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them.
    It’s such a hard pill to swallow but just enjoy the moment for what it was & get back to business as usual before he even was a topic of discussion.

  18. Sounds like he felt guilty for the one night stand and was grappling with that. It might have been his first one and he might have cheated on someone doing it. Either way, he wasn’t in his right mind and you are much better for his blocking you and walking away. He sounds like a mess.

    You had a good evening, you stuck to the plan and had some good sex. Let that be the takeaway. You’re not the problem here.

  19. Yes, weird that he drove you home if he wanted it again in the morning. Why not just have you stay over in his hotel instead of him driving 30 mins to take you home. Like who wants to get dressed again after sex and spend an hour, there and back, in the car just to meet up again tomorrow morning.

  20. What a phony. Well you’re 20 and way hotter than he is! Don’t be disappointed, you have a lot more years to meet nicer men.

  21. Interesting enough I had a very similar experience last month. It’s really disappointing to be wrote off so damn easy. Nothin’ a little whiskey won’t fix but god damn, you’d think people would have enough decency to just be up front about what they are looking for.

  22. A dry spell for what, a relationship or sex?

    Without more details, the only advice I can give is that we are all responsible for what we attract: if it’s not meeting your expectations, you need to sit down and ponder what are you doing (or not doing) that invites this?

    Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome is insanity, as they say.

  23. People can disagree if they want but ages 28 and 20 are completely different people. You should try to find someone around your age. Homie could’ve had a family and a wife you didn’t know about. Older dudes only hook up with young ones like you for one reason. Sorry boo.

  24. And then she ghosted you all. Deleted her profile and left every commentor without a word or warning. What was worse. You felt sorry for her. But now, no one is there to pick up the dust. And all along OP was just projecting her own insecurities

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