I (f19) done like that my friend (f19) has a boyfriend (m20)

I’m high school me and my friend would link arms, hold hands and lean on each other when sitting. Many people thought we were dating but we were just comfortable with each other. We’ve been doing this for years now even after I got in a relationship with my boyfriend who I met online. We graduated in 2021 and haven’t seen each other as often also due to Covid.
My friend and her boyfriend started dating about 6 months ago when she and I both started at different universities in different cities. Before then they were just hooking up. Recently we spent time together at and Airbnb with our other friend and one of the days she spent time with her boyfriend. The day after when we abs our other friend we’re together Id hold her hand but then I just think about how does it with her boyfriend and I don’t like that. We make jokes about being jealous but I really felt that way that day. It’s not like he’s a bad guy or something, I don’t know him and only met him once and he seems fine but idk I just don’t like it. It’s been a few weeks and I thinking about this. I don’t have feelings for my friend and I love my boyfriend but idk why this is a problem for me

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