I’m a 27F who has never had a boyfriend. I have used Hinge and Bumble and never have an issues getting lots of matches or finding dates but the guys either end up ghosting me or never wanting to continue the relationship. I have deleted and redone loaded the app so many times the past 2 yrs. I currently have both profiles in both apps deleted and took a break from dating for the past 3 months. But i feel like my 20s are passing me by and I fear I’ll be 39 without ever having a relationship so I know I need to put myself back out there. Im afraid though of seeing those same guys on the app that I dated and them knowing I’m STILL single. It’s embarrassing. Should I redownload the apps and make new profiles or just forget it since I’ve tried so many times already. I know I get too attached and clingy easily so I plan to not make those mistakes again. I just don’t know if it’s worth even getting back on bc I know if the apps doesn’t work out again, this time it will crush me.

Td;lr never had a boyfriend. Have tried dating apps but it never worked for me and always ended up deleting the apps and profiles. Thinking about getting back on but embarrassed that The same guys I went out with will see me again on the app and know that I’m STILL single. It’s embarrassing

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