My partner and I have been seeing each other for about two months, and it has been going really well. I have been quite unlucky in love in the past, and this really felt like a bit of a romcom romance; a prince after all the frogs.

We are colleagues, and work in a very small industry where everyone knows everyone. I am quite new to the industry, but he has been doing it for a number of years.

I got a call from a friend who works at another company, who told me that she had found out my partner was fired from a previous role for sexually harrassing a number of colleagues. Because of this, he has been blacklisted from that company, as well as a couple of others.

I confronted him about it and he confessed, saying it was true and he had been 'meaning to tell me'.

He explained that, unlike what my friend told me, it was just one colleague, and that the incident was the catalyst for him seeking mental health treatment, and also getting his ADHD and Autism diagnoses.

He went on to say that, in his view, it was a case of him misreading the situation with a friend, rather than a malicious act.

I have tried to get in touch with the person who filed the complaint about him because I want to know their side too.

I am very torn about what to do. When I spoke to him over the phone, he seemed geniunely sorry about his behaviour, and has taken steps to become better because of it.

But, I can't help thinking, if he could lie about this, what else could he be lying about?

To add to this, I have worked really hard to get into my industry, and I selfishly worry that his reputation could affect mine, and may mean I don't get to keep doing the job I love if we stay togeher.

What should I do?

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