One of my closest friends has me overthinking recently.
If you think you read this before, you're right cause i copied some lines from a reddit post that matches my story, english is not my first language and i can't express that good without assistance.

Me and her used to talk daily, and she'd initiate conversations all the time, and I would too of course. We'd have a blast talking to each other all the time. But all of sudden, maybe a month ago, she sort of stopped messaging me first and acting kind of dry over text.
I asked her the reason why and she says that nothing has changed and that she just has nothing to talk about, and I'm not that convinced with her answer because it's not our first time with a boring period without nothing to talk about, we always managed to have something to talk about even the most silly stuff that happens during the day, it's all about whether you really want to talk with me or not in my opinion
also it's not like a two days thing it's more than a month, that doesn't sound like a solid argument to me

Her not really interacting with me anymore through text made me feel like our friendship is falling apart. I really tried to get words form her mouth by staring a conversation and it ends up with me looking like an interviewer asking questions that she answers or being ignored, responded after hours with a dry message.
Even the conversation became weird, no joking, we used to share memes, videos and stuff and now i can't remember the last time she did such a thing, even her way of talking changed, bro who says " it's none of your business " to a close friend when he advises you ?

I'm really concerned, i don't have any close friends other than her, also i have experienced the same story with an old friend and i was hurt, i literally did nothing wrong, it always happens all of a sudden, it's not like that we had fights or something
And again, when i asked she literally said " nothing has changed, if you want us to talk bring me something to talk about '
It's never been this way, i think I'm about to lose a very dear friend and i can't do anything about it
If you have any advice please don't hesitate, I'm really sad and some words could help me

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